Friday, January 21, 2011

This is Food Porn!

Check out this blog my friend sent me.  It is legitimate food porn!

I have always wanted to try my hand at fancy baking and between this and my account on, this just might happen.  Question is: what should I make first?

Check out the blog here.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Growin' on Up!

I have recently moved out of my parents house into my first apartment. Moving woes and landowner/roommate issues aside, it was a successful move out!  After getting everything set up in my room, I have turned my attention to the living room.  Yesterday, I purchased my first couch for $25!  It's a lovely shade of faded yellow with an alternating pattern of yellow stripes.  I am still looking for a kitchen table and chairs.  So if anyone has on they don't need, don't hesitate to hit me up! :)

My next step of moving out and growing up is cooking for myself.  I had to a lot of this when I was in South Africa, and not to toot my own horn, but I think I am a good, just inexperienced, cook.  In my repertoire of cooking abilities is various salads, pastas, soups, and grilled meats.  I find that I can follow instructions and make a mean chicken curry!  However, I am not satisfied with just these skills. I want to be able to sear steaks, stew veggies and bake pies.  All the while, adding to my blog about my adventures (and what will mostly likely include many misadventures) in my kitchen.

So, tonight, I am going to finish off salmon fillet, which will have to be pan seared because I don't have a George Foreman... yet!  I can chop up my lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes for nice side salad and maybe I will pick up a nice chardonnay to go with it.  In the mean time, I will be looking for further recipes that are quick and easy. is going to be my best friend when it comes to finding new recipes.  Thus far I have a profile and have been collecting things that look good and challenging.  I am going to try some foods from around the world, including some from my host country, South Africa!  I also found recipes for falafel, curry, tofu, veggies, fish, shellfish and various meats.  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa Claus TM

This is clever.  A consulting firm based in the UK drafted a brand book for Santa this holiday season.  You should check it out! It's pretty funny!

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season this year!  Good luck in 2011!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A couple of things for FAIL blog...

The DADT repeal!  I know everyone is frustrated about the vote (or lack thereof) on repealing DADT today.  It's both sad and aggravating that our governmental leaders are so casual about peoples right to serve their country as an open, out and proud individual.  Why would we want less from our military?

Also... Congress!  What a waste it is to have all these leaders meet and then have some conservatives just filibuster straight into another legislative session!  Our government is supposed to be making decisions and guiding our country to a better and more equal place.

The lack of coordinated leadership and cooperation on both sides of the fence is frustrating.  I can't honestly believe that these senators on the right are actually listening to their constituents either.  If most of the military is in support of repeal then why are we still debating this policy?  We are already cooperating with other militaries that have open individuals and it doesn't seem to affect military readiness in those countries.  It also doesn't seem to affect cooperation and coordination between troops from different countries.

I just don't understand.  When will we get rid our religious ideals and work in towards the love and understanding all religions say they preach?  Ugh...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chicago Spire - DEAD!

My hopes of one day owning a condo in North America's tallest building have been shattered today.  The Chicago Spire, a building that was designed by Santiago Calivatra.  The Irish holding company, who owned the land on which the spire was to be built, filed for foreclosure today! :(

Too bad! Here is the article from a Chicago Tribune writer:

Chicago Spire Developer Loses Control of Site

And now here is a picture of my future home that will never be! :(

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pantone iPhone/iPad cases

This is probably the coolest case I have seen for iPhone/iPad!  They even have the Pantone color number on them.  It's too bad you cant get any color you want, otherwise I would look up the favorite shade of blue and order a case.  Except, I don't have an iPhone... yet! :)

Pantone iPhone/iPad cases